
We have the instructors, horses, and facilities to accommodate all levels — from first-timers to advanced riders.

Our students range from recreational riders who ride once a week to dedicated competitors who ride every day. We provide lessons for both children and adults.

Our lesson scheduling & payment is done online through Hopoti, a platform designed specifically for riding stables.

To book your first lesson, please review our policies & pricing listed below and then follow these 3 steps:
(1) Create your account on Hopoti.com
(2) Click the heart icon on our Hopoti stable page to “favorite” Full Moon Farm
(3) Click on our Booking calendar to find & book an available private lesson

Questions? Please email us at ridewithfmf2@gmail.com or call our farm line at 410-795-8371.

Please note that we do not offer trail rides, multi-person lessons for new/beginner riders, or off-site leases.

Private Lessons

30-Minute Lessons

Private lessons are one-on-one with an instructor.

Doing a single private lesson is a great way for anyone to determine whether horseback riding is right for them!

Required for anyone with prior riding experience who wishes to go directly into a group.

Private lessons are generally for beginning riders (who cannot yet join a group), as well as riders that own/lease and are working on specific skills with their own horse.

Single 1/2-hour private lesson:

Cost: $75

To purchase: Please click here


Season of 18 lessons (ridden on a recurring day & time):

Cost: $1,200

To purchase: Please click here


Group Lessons

50-Minute Lessons

3-7 riders in a group. Groups based on ability.

Riders must be able to walk, trot, halt, and steer on their own before joining a group lesson.

Single 50-minute group lesson:

Cost: $55

To purchase: Please click here

Set of 9 lessons:

Cost: $450

To purchase: Please click here

Season of 18 lessons (ridden on a recurring day & time):

Cost: $900

To purchase: Please click here

X/C Lessons

30-Minute Lessons

Scheduled on a case-by-case basis, weather permitting. Instructor approval required.

Private X/C Lesson (single rider)

Semi-Private X/C Lesson (2 riders)
Cost: $75*

*additional $5 horse-use fee if rider does not own or full-lease their mount

Lesson Policies

For ease of scheduling and payment, all private & group lessons are bookable in 18-week Seasons.

The major benefits of Seasons:

(1) Your spot is immediately reserved for the next 18 weeks no need to worry about someone taking your spot!

(2) You don’t have to remember to re-book & pay! You will receive invoices via email when your next installment is due. (Please note: Any rider whose invoice is past-due will automatically be removed from all future lessons— so be sure to pay as soon as you receive your invoice! If you are removed from your lesson due to late payment, we cannot guarantee your spot.)

(3) You can still join lessons at any time— No need to wait for a new Season to start!


Want to book partway through the Season? You can still purchase lessons! To book the remainder of the Season after the Season has started, you have three options:

(1) Purchase each lesson individually at the Single Lesson rate.

(2) Purchase the Season at full-price ($900 for groups or $1,200 for privates) and receive credits for any lessons that have already passed in the Season (use these credits to schedule make-ups during the Season; e.g., if you book starting week 3 of the Season, you’ll receive 2 credits).

(3) Purchase a Stablecard (under the Shop page on Hopoti) to receive credits for 3 private lessons or 9 group lessons. Please note that these credits will expire either 3 or 9 weeks from the date of purchase. These credits cannot be used to book any lessons occurring after the expiration date (e.g., if you purchase a Stablecard for 3 private lessons on 4/1, the expiration date will be 4/22, so you cannot use the credits to book a lesson for 4/23 or after).


Need to change lesson days part-way through the Season? Please email us at ridewithfmf2@gmail.com so we can confirm appropriate lessons with open spots before you swap lessons.

Once the Season ends, we expect riders to enroll in the new Season starting the following week. If you plan to discontinue lessons, please let us know before the end of the Season so we can plan our schedule accordingly.

If you are late on payment, you will not be on the schedule and therefore will not be able to ride.

Please note that we do not offer refunds.

The number of lessons you have remaining can be found in your Hopoti account, so it is your responsibility to keep track of your lessons and when you owe money.

In the event that you are unable to ride for more than 4 consecutive weeks due to an injury/surgery/illness, we can place your lessons on hold. Please email or call us to discuss!


Hopoti’s Help Center has many guides on everything from creating your account to booking & canceling lessons to receiving notifications when a spot opens up! Still have questions? You can always click on the Chat button (in the lower righthand corner) on the Hopoti website to get in touch with their fabulous staff! If you don’t catch them right away, don’t worry– you’ll get a response in your email as soon as they reply!)

You are also welcome to reach out to us via email at ridewithfmf2@gmail.com or 410-795-8371 with any questions/concerns.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be done through the online scheduling system at Hopoti.com.

Be sure to cancel at least 24 hours prior to the lesson time to receive a cancellation credit, which you can use to schedule a make-up lesson for another day & time.

Please note that all make-up credits automatically expire at the end of the Season. (For a Season taking place 12/31-5/4, all credits would expire on 5/4; no extensions/credits/refunds are available).


Volunteering at our shows and programs for 10 hours earns riders an extra group lesson. These hours may be earned by any family member and given to any rider.

Working Students can use their credits toward their lesson invoices. Working Students are also eligible for a monthly bonus lesson.

Timing, Attire, & Equipment

Given the importance of safety for all riders, failure to comply with the following policies will result in a missed lesson without a make-up/refund.

All riders must arrive 30 minutes prior to their scheduled lesson time. This time is used to groom and tack the horse prior to the lesson. Riders should also expect to spend at least 15 minutes after the lesson to untack and groom the horse.

All riders must wear their own long pants and hard-soled boots with a heel.

Please note that after 4 lessons, ALL riders must bring the following items each lesson:

  • Helmet (ASTM/SEI certified for riding)
  • Saddle pad (with curved spine for wither relief)
  • Crop (not all horses require use of a crop, but many do)
  • Riding gloves (if you wish to wear them)
  • Grooming kit, including:
    • Hoof pick
    • Curry comb
    • Hard brush
    • Soft brush
    • Fly spray to protect both you and your horse from the bugs (spring/summer/fall)

We recommend the following stores:


Holiday Schedule

We cancel/reschedule lessons on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • 4th of July
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day


We alter the schedule on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve to avoid evening lessons on those days.

For all other holidays, we only alter the schedule in the event of a large number of rider cancellations.

FMF Hopoti FAQ:

For a full list of Hopoti FAQ, please go to https://hopoti.com/stable/FullMoonFarm and click on the FAQ tabs.

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