Sign up here! We are grateful to have amazing riders and boarders/lessees who volunteer on holidays, to allow our staff to spend more time with...
We are excited to announce our Equitation League teams for the upcoming 2022-2023 season! 2022-2023 Full Moon Farm Equitation Teams NCSSEL “C” Team...
Quarter Star 2022: Baltimore Sun Photo Gallery featuring photos by Brian Krista/Carroll County Times
...FMF Equestrian Flyer 2022 Offered for Full Moon Farm Boarders & Full-Lessees: The opportunity to work with FMF Equestrian for lessons and training rides! Lessons...
‘Horsemanship Can’t Be Allowed to Die Out’: An Argument for The Barn Rat by Cheryl Witty-Castillo
...Greetings all! A few notes/reminders as we approach the holidays: 1) Our Annual Holiday Party (with Potluck and Secret Santa Gift Exchange!) is this Saturday,...
Fall is here… and new partnerships keep falling into place! Here’s what we’ve accomplished at FMF this month: We held our final FMF Open House...
Fall is on its way… and new horses are falling into our laps! Here’s what we’ve accomplished at FMF this month: We held our fourth...
Entering the second half of 2021 with a bang! Here’s what we’ve accomplished at FMF this month: We held our third FMF Open House on...
2021 is halfway over, and we’ve been busy! Here’s what we’ve accomplished at FMF this month: Our brand-new boarder tack room is officially open! We’re...