Virtual LGBTQIA+ Ally Training Discussion presented by Jennie Towner, Ph.D.
This event is free and open to the public, but will focus on the LGBTQIA+ community in the equestrian industry.
Registration is not required, but will allow us to send you resources ahead of the session:
This session is a great opportunity for everyone to learn, share, and ask questions, regardless of their personal experience or knowledge. This session will help us start a productive dialogue to make our community more inclusive to LGBTQIA+ individuals– both in and out of the barn. Jennie and her team at Saddle Up Scholars have been great resources for us, so we’re excited to introduce her to our community.
Hosted virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Dial in by phone:
(+1) 470-481-4412 | 684924579#
Phone conference ID: 684 924 579#
Join on a video-conferencing device:
Video ID: 111 854 979 0