Horse Trials

2025 Event Info:

Click here to enter via Event Entries

Click here to check your Entry Status

2025 Photography, Vendors, & Food Trucks:

Amy Flemming Waters Photography will be at our 4/19, 6/29, 7/11, & 11/9 Horse Trials

Divisions & Prizes:

Awards for HT & CT: Prize and 8 ribbons awarded per full division (3+ starters).


Offering the following options at all of our HT!

USEA-Recognized* full HT divisions: M/T | T | T/N | N | N/BN | BN | S

Unrecognized full HT tests: BN/S | S/Pre-START | Pre-START | Pre-START/Poles | Poles

Combined Tests (CT) for all levels from Modified to Poles

Dressage Test of Choice (TOC) (small arena) at any level

Hybrid Divisions: Dressage & Show Jumping are at the higher level; XC is at the lower level.

*These levels are Recognized only at our USEA-Recognized events on 4/19, 6/29, & 11/9

Important Info:

As of Fall 2024: XC for Pre-Starter (max. 18″) is now in the main XC field. (SJ is still in the smaller enclosed arena.)

Reminder: All riders must bring their own bridle tags/saddle pins and rider pinny holders. Horses must wear their show number while on show grounds. Riders must wear their number during the XC phase; riders are encouraged to wear their number during the SJ phase and in warm-up areas. We provide paper pinny inserts for rider’s pinny holder in rider’s packet. We do NOT provide bridle tags.

Confused? Check out our HT Registration 101 for FMF riders here

After the Show: Please fill out the USEA Event Evaluation Form.

Eventing News:

All of our USEA-Recognized events are IEL Challenges!

The FMF Spring Thing HT will be a USEA-Recognized event starting in 2025! Our inaugural event will be Saturday, April 19th.

USEA Announcement: Announcing Starter Level Regulations

For College-Bound Eventers: Check out the list of U.S. Colleges with intercollegiate eventing programs 

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