If you are interested in riding outside of lessons, please read our Beyond Lessons Packet. This guide contains important information for any FMF rider to know before they begin riding on their own.
Owning & Leasing 101 with Karen Fulton (4/8/21 Zoom meeting)
Riding on Your Own 101 with Karen Fulton (4/15/21 Zoom meeting)
Cost: $60/ride (paid upon scheduling).
Requirements: Instructor’s permission is required to be eligible. You must be able to groom and tack on your own. Anyone who does a practice ride must be enrolled in the weekly lesson program. Jumping is not allowed during practice rides. Practice rides are limited to the Little Outdoor and Indoor Arenas.
Scheduling: Practice rides must be scheduled via Hopoti in advance, and cannot be cancelled or rescheduled (except in approved extenuating circumstances). Rides are dependent on horse’s availability and ring space.
Working Students: Working Students may use their credits to purchase practice rides. Please email ridewithfmf2@gmail.com to use your credits.
Full lease board for one of our lesson program horses costs $600 per month. Leases are billed month-to-month, with 30 days’ notice required for termination of the lease. Full lessees pay for most of the costs related to the horse’s care, but are generally only responsible for a limited amount of medical costs. In return, full lessees have full access to their leased horse.
A full lease includes: First choice of mount for showing and lessons, riding on your own at your convenience (by prior arrangement), full use of the facilities (as appropriate for mount and riding ability), jumping on your own in the Indoor and Little Outdoor (as appropriate for mount and riding ability), daily turnout, normal amounts of standard feed & hay, tack room space, holding for farrier & dentist, and administration of supplements & medication. Horse-use fees are waived for full lessees.
We do not allow jumping on your own in the Big Outdoor or in the Field ever (this includes the water jump and all banks & ditches). All lessees must be enrolled in at least two lessons per week. May use the horse’s school tack if it is not shared with another horse who is being used for a lesson at the same time. We highly recommend purchasing your own tack.
New leases must provide a new lead rope/chain for farm use. Please expect miscellaneous costs to arise, such as: new halters, bell boots, flymasks, blankets, stall fans, feed buckets, blanket cleaning, etc. All of these items become the property of the farm when the lease ends.
Admin Fee: $100. This one-time fee is non-refundable and due at contract signing. If you take a break from a half-lease, you will have to pay a new Admin Fee when you start another.
Monthly Lease Fee: $330 to cover part of the horse’s board costs (minimum of 3-month commitment).
Farrier Costs: Monthly fee (cost varies depending on horse’s shoeing needs) to cover part of the horse’s farrier costs.
Medication & Supplement Costs: Rider is responsible for the full cost of any medications and supplements the horse requires during the lease term.
Benefits: Priority for use of leased mount for showing and clinics, 2 lease rides per week (scheduled at contract signing) in the Indoor or Little Outdoor, and right of first refusal if another rider wishes to full-lease or purchase the horse.
Restrictions: We do not allow jumping on your own on a half lease. May use the horse’s school tack if it is not shared with another horse who is being used for a lesson at the same time. We highly recommend purchasing your own tack.
Scheduling: We will schedule the 2 recurring weekly ride times at contract signing (e.g., Tuesdays at 4:30pm and Sundays at 2pm). The office will provide you with a list of available ride times, which are based upon ring space and the lesson-use of the leased horse. We require 48 hours’ notice if you cannot attend a lease ride. Up to 2 lease rides may be rescheduled per month, but only if canceled on time. Makeup rides must occur within the month they were canceled. All scheduled rides canceled due to weather or FMF events may be rescheduled without penalty.
We offer quality care and a nurturing environment for all horses. Our caring, professional staff provide daily stall cleaning, turnout, feed, water, and hay.
Full board cost is $1,000 per month. Owners of horses that are regularly used in the Lesson Program receive a discounted board rate of $600 per month. Board includes: full use of the facilities, stall space, daily turnout (as weather permits), normal amounts of feed & hay, full boarder tack room space, holding for farrier & dentist, and administration of supplements & medication.
Please note that all boarders must be enrolled in at least two weekly lessons, and we do not take boarders from outside our lesson program.
Searching for a horse to board? We are happy to help our current students who wish to bring a horse to FMF! To discuss your plans, please reach out to us at ridewithfmf2@gmail.com. Prior to starting your search, we require a down payment of $500, which will go toward your commission fee. This covers FMF’s time spent reviewing and providing professional feedback on prospective horses. The commission fee is 10% of the horse’s purchase cost or annual lease fee ($500 minimum for purchases/leases below $5,000), and must be paid to FMF upon the horse’s arrival.
*Our fly/pest control program includes a feed-through supplement administered daily to all horses.
*Dependent on horse’s individual needs. Horses may be barefoot or have 2 or 4 shoes. Shoes may be drilled & tapped for studs at extra cost.
*More if extra work or sedation is needed. (We will ask you to drop off a check made payable to the dentist.)
*For full leases: usually limited to $500 per occurrence